Are you facing the need to migrate off older versions of SQL server? Watch this Tech Talk for best practices on application and server combinations!
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We don't make ERP or database software like Oracle and SAP. We support and manage that software. Over the past 15 years, we have helped over 3,000 clients save billions of dollars. It's because we are built for support. Built to help clients avoid costly fees and ERP upgrades, so they can innovate and fuel growth. Other companies do software. We do support.
The advent of databases in the 1980s represented a phenomenal breakthrough for business. Companies around the world capitalized on relational databases to run smarter, faster and more profitably. Today, Oracle, IBM, Microsoft and SAP are at the heart of almost every Fortune 500 and Global 2000 company, including yours. Instead of continuing to make massive investments in a database that already works, maybe it’s time to rethink your strategy.