Manage and run application operations with a single-source, expert AMS solution

With multiple vendors usually involved in managing and supporting a wide breadth of applications and technologies, operational disruptions and service challenges are on the rise. Finger-pointing between vendors. Issues falling between the cracks. Plus years of price competition have driven application management staffing with junior, unskilled resources on front lines. This complex, multi-vendor, billable environment, usually based on hours and tickets, typically provides software vendors with no incentive to proactively improve results or resolve issues. Rimini Street offers a unique, fully integrated level support and application management service (AMS) — including seamless level 2, 3, and 4 issue management and resolution.

An innovative, integrated, and superior application management services solution

Traditional application management services (AMS) providers can deliver sub-optimal experiences, services, skills, value, and outcomes. Rimini Street offers an integrated combination of both application management and support services that marries ultra-responsive, independent, third-party software support services with AMS, leveraging experts on the front lines to deliver better outcomes and enhanced value. Optimize IT operations and simplify support processes with a single, trusted, independent vendor versus being laden with the potentially high costs and inefficiencies of a multi-vendor support model.

Rimini Protect™ Advanced Database Security Management Solution

Direct access to experienced application management engineers for faster resolution

Many enterprise software licensees appear to be dissatisfied with their AMS vendors and services, including the skills and experience of the resources assigned to provide managed services and support. The Rimini Street expert service delivery team consists of experienced and proven engineers — on the front lines — delivering higher service levels and accountability for fast, root-cause resolutions that proactively help reduce future incidents. Traditional AMS providers very rarely deliver at this high level.

Rimini Street Integrated Application Management Services and Solutions

Improved application operation management efficiencies and cost savings

Traditional AMS providers typically deliver poor outcomes by first creating incentives to underprice AMS contracts and then attempting to make up required profit margins by pushing expensive, “out of scope” billable consulting. They also usually create new projects to replace, not optimize, current application operation investments. The Rimini Street unique “fixed fee and unlimited cases” application managed services model delivers better economics with more efficient support operations, freeing up internal client resources for focus on innovation and achieving better business outcomes.

Rimini Street Integrated Application Management Services for Better Business Outcomes

Why Rimini Street

Choose unified support services for enterprise software and application management to help optimize IT investments through an expert, client-centric, single-provider model. Rimini Street has helped organizations achieve better business outcomes and increased productivity with improved service levels and faster resolutions.

Better model

Rimini Street streamlined, optimized AMS simplify IT operations and management. Receive transparent application management services and support without unnecessary development and manufactured project work.

Better people

Rimini Street expert engineers deliver improved service levels and case resolutions while maintaining ownership and accountability. Benefit from more consistent application managed services delivery and communication for faster, root cause resolution.

Better outcomes

The unique AMS model from Rimini Street focuses on client success versus closing tickets. Simplifying support operations, Rimini Street clients can maximize budget, resource, and time savings, then reinvest them in digital and innovation initiatives.

Rimini Street Integrated Application Management Services and Solutions for Better Business Outcomes

Manage and maintain application operations with Rimini Street.

Contact us to learn more.

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