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Do ERP Ecosystems Act Like Cartels?
4 min read
Do ERP Ecosystems Act Like Cartels?
Rimini Street Staff
4 min read

While the ecosystems formed by ERP and database vendors, systems integrators, and other partners can create value, there can be downsides as well. Here are five things you need to know about ERP vendors. Over the decades, large ERP and database vendors, system integrators, and other partners have formed an ecosystem to help customers deploy […]

With Oracle Sustaining Support, What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
3 min read
With Oracle Sustaining Support, What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
Rimini Street Staff
3 min read

Oracle claims their Lifetime Support Policy lets IT organizations “enjoy continued peace of mind,” but that may only hold true if you’re committed to staying current with major product releases. If your software version is five years or older, you’re more likely to feel you’re going out of your mind when you discover the true […]

What is Oracle Sustaining Support? Breaking the Cycle of Eroding Oracle Support
3 min read
What is Oracle Sustaining Support? Breaking the Cycle of Eroding Oracle Support
Rimini Street Staff
3 min read

Software support contracts generally do not age well. It seems to be part of the modern vendor playbook to discourage you from using your customized, paid for software, so they cut back on support services. Meanwhile, you’re expected to progressively pay more for less support. Worse, if you’re in this type of situation, you probably […]

What Oracle’s JAVA SE Licensing Change Could Mean to You
3 min read
What Oracle’s JAVA SE Licensing Change Could Mean to You
Rimini Street Staff
3 min read

Is the JAVA SE licensing change as simple as it sounds? When software vendors claim to be simplifying software licensing terms, experienced enterprise customers know to dig into the details to find how it may impact their costs. So, when Oracle in January revealed “a simple, low-cost monthly subscription” model for licensing its Java SE […]

High Heels, High Tech, and High Expectations
4 min read
High Heels, High Tech, and High Expectations
Rimini Street Staff
4 min read

A Blog for Women in Leadership Run the race and finish strong. That is the motto that I have lived by in my professional, personal, and spiritual endeavors for many years. For me it is a key foundation in my pursuit to be a Servant Leader, which represents a management style attuned to today’s often […]

Strategies to Help Win the Fight Against Breast Cancer 
5 min read
Strategies to Help Win the Fight Against Breast Cancer 
Rimini Street Staff
5 min read

The fight to find a cure The fight to increase awareness of and find a cure for breast cancer is ongoing.. To support these goals, Rimini Street’s Team Pink and Nancy Lyskawa, Rimini Street EVP of Global Client Onboarding, hosted two webinars featuring speakers from the nonprofit Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC) that provided information […]

How CISOs Put the X Factor in Being a CXO
3 min read
How CISOs Put the X Factor in Being a CXO
Rimini Street Staff
3 min read

  The job of a chief information security officer, or CISO, is in many ways like that of other CXOs. Like their CXO peers, a CISO will have a strategic agenda that is aligned with that of the business. Within that agenda, a CISO will also have specific priorities, often strategic in nature and aligned […]

Economic Uncertainty is Causing CIOs to Hoard Their IT Budget
2 min read
Economic Uncertainty is Causing CIOs to Hoard Their IT Budget
Rimini Street Staff
2 min read

The uncertain economic outlook is causing some CIOs to defer spending and push out less-critical projects during the second half of the year. That was one key takeaway from a summer software market update presentation by J.P. Morgan analyst Mark Murphy. How CIOs balance dwindling budgets Almost 40% of CIOs surveyed by J.P. Morgan in […]

Open-Source Database Market Roundup
3 min read
Open-Source Database Market Roundup
Rimini Street Staff
3 min read

The lock that long-time proprietary vendors have had on the database management system (DBMS) market is steadily eroding, even in the face of astounding industry growth.  Overall, revenue growth is extraordinary for the industry in total. “Since its brief pause in 2015, the DBMS market has reeled off six consecutive years of growth, with the […]