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Why Is Cloud Confusing? It’s Deliberate.
Business Growth, Cloud, ERP 2 min read
Why Is Cloud Confusing? It’s Deliberate.
Rimini Street Staff
2 min read

Major enterprise software vendors like Oracle and SAP are aggressively promoting “cloud” however chronic overuse of the term “cloud” may be creating common misconceptions. There are essentially two distinct cloud models, with very different characteristics, that are frequently confused because they are both generically called “cloud”. The ongoing blurring of the term “cloud” can disadvantage […]

Plan Ahead as the Cost of SAP and Oracle DBMS Runtime Skyrockets
Business Growth, CIO Strategies, Oracle 2 min read
Plan Ahead as the Cost of SAP and Oracle DBMS Runtime Skyrockets
Rimini Street Staff
2 min read

As what was once a mutually beneficial partnership between SAP and Oracle grows increasingly contentious, customers may find themselves caught in the middle. One symptom: the price for getting an Oracle runtime database license bundled with SAP Business Suite is now more than double what it was three years ago. As a result, customers covered […]

Cut IT Support Costs to Drive Digital Business Initiatives
Business Growth, CIO Strategies, Hybrid IT 2 min read
Cut IT Support Costs to Drive Digital Business Initiatives
Rimini Street Staff
2 min read

Does your IT organization eagerly embrace digital transformation, or quiver in fear at the prospect of it? If the former, you’re following the model of world-class IT organizations that run more efficiently and devote a larger portion of their process costs to new business-focused initiatives. That’s the takeaway from a study by Hackett Group, as […]

What You Need to Know to Exploit the Cloud
Cloud, Hybrid IT, Innovation 5 min read
What You Need to Know to Exploit the Cloud
Rimini Street Staff
5 min read

As digital transformation shakes up traditional business models, organizations of every size, in every industry, are exploring better ways to keep pace with change. Adoption of cloud computing technology has significantly increased over the last few years, promising a great opportunity for innovation amongst businesses if approached correctly, selectively and at the right pace. And […]

Don’t Trip on the Cloud Migration Path
CIO Strategies, Cloud, Hybrid IT 3 min read
Don’t Trip on the Cloud Migration Path
Rimini Street Staff
3 min read

It seems like everybody is rushing to migrate to cloud applications, and you don’t want to get left on the wrong side of an inflection curve. But there are pitfalls for hasty cloud migration, so it’s important to sit back and fully analyze what you’ve got and where you want to go. Early in 2016, […]

What’s the State of the CIO?
Business Growth, CIO Strategies, Hybrid IT 2 min read
What’s the State of the CIO?
Rimini Street Staff
2 min read

The life of a CIO? It’s complicated. That’s the conclusion of CIO Editor in Chief Dan Muse, introducing the publication’s 2017 State of the CIO report. “Moving apps and workloads to the cloud, ensuring legacy software can talk to off-premises apps, and keeping networks and systems secure remain core functional tasks of the CIO role,” […]

Is There Hesitation to Commit to SAP S/4HANA?
Business Growth, ERP, SAP 2 min read
Is There Hesitation to Commit to SAP S/4HANA?
Rimini Street Staff
2 min read

Most SAP licensees plan to continue running their proven, SAP ERP releases given its rich functionality that more than meets their business needs without the cost, disruption and risk of migrating to S/4HANA. This was the top finding in a recent global survey conducted by Rimini Street, selected by 89 percent of the survey respondents. […]

Revealing the Risks at the S/4HANA Crossroads
Business Growth, ERP, Maximize ROI 3 min read
Revealing the Risks at the S/4HANA Crossroads
Rimini Street Staff
3 min read

As SAP continues to raise its bet for S/4HANA, SAP customers find themselves at a crossroads. Is it time to migrate to SAP’s new application, or is a wait-and-see approach the best option? More than two years after SAP launched S/4HANA amid considerable fanfare, user adoption has been underwhelming. In the UK, just 5 percent […]

The Evolving Role of the CIO in the Digital Age
Business Growth, CIO Strategies, Innovation 2 min read
The Evolving Role of the CIO in the Digital Age
Rimini Street Staff
2 min read

For the longest time, the role of the chief information officer was set in stone. The job was all about keeping the technology “lights” on and, if possible, reducing costs. Today that job description is outdated. In the era of big data, apps and cloud computing, the role of today’s CIO is to enable the […]