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Independent, Third Party Support Definition (in 1,000 Words or Less)
5 min read
Independent, Third Party Support Definition (in 1,000 Words or Less)
Scott Hays
Scott Hays
Sr. Portfolio Marketing Director
Rimini Street
5 min read

This blog was originally published in July 2020 and was updated in June 2024  Many organizations around the world are familiar with independent, third party support. Many others are not. Still others have some preconceived notions about what it is and how it helps. What is Third Party Support? A simple definition. Third party support […]

Your SAP Support Clock May Be Ticking Faster Than You Think
2 min read
Your SAP Support Clock May Be Ticking Faster Than You Think
Scott Hays
Scott Hays
Sr. Portfolio Marketing Director
Rimini Street
2 min read

If you’re running SAP ECC 6, your support clock is ticking—perhaps faster than you realize. Not to worry, you’ve got options and we can help. By now, just about every SAP customer knows that 2027 is the end date for ECC 6 mainstream maintenance support. But that’s only half the story. That’s because for half […]

ERP Strategy Lessons from Sweden’s CIO of the Year
2 min read
ERP Strategy Lessons from Sweden’s CIO of the Year
Scott Hays
Scott Hays
Sr. Portfolio Marketing Director
Rimini Street
2 min read

Ingo Paas is the CIO of Green Cargo, a sustainable logistics partner serving 270 locations across Scandinavia, transporting some 22 million tons of freight annually. Recently, my colleague Luiz Mariotto and I had the privilege of hosting Ingo and a roundtable of IT leaders. Afterward, Ingo shared a deeper dive on his bold strategies that […]

Rethinking the SAP ECC to S/4HANA Migration Mandate
4 min read
Rethinking the SAP ECC to S/4HANA Migration Mandate
Scott Hays
Scott Hays
Sr. Portfolio Marketing Director
Rimini Street
4 min read

Contrary to what SAP may want you to think, S/4HANA migration isn’t mandatory for your enterprise. In fact, independent support can extend your current ERP investment beyond SAP’s projected end of mainstream maintenance for ECC in 2027. I sat down with three of our SAP ERP experts to discuss the options businesses have. Let’s dive […]

Dear SAP Support — I’ve Met Someone Else
4 min read
Dear SAP Support — I’ve Met Someone Else
Scott Hays
Scott Hays
Sr. Portfolio Marketing Director
Rimini Street
4 min read

I don’t think we should see each other anymore. It’s not you; it’s me. Actually, on second thought, it’s mostly you. Our relationship started as expected, but we’ve grown apart. We now want different things. Let me explain. You’ve changed It used to be that my annual maintenance fee got me support, maintenance, and new […]

No Extension to SAP ECC 6 and Business Suite 7 Mainstream Support End Date in 2027
3 min read
No Extension to SAP ECC 6 and Business Suite 7 Mainstream Support End Date in 2027
Scott Hays
Scott Hays
Sr. Portfolio Marketing Director
Rimini Street
3 min read

Did Christian Klein just burst your SAP bubble? Back in 2020, SAP announced that it would extend the end of mainstream ECC 6.0 support from 2025 to 2027. At the time, that ⁠wasn’t a big surprise. There was speculation among the SAP community that SAP would extend the deadline again. As they say, “Sorry to burst […]

Succeeding in the Stress-filled CISO Role
3 min read
Succeeding in the Stress-filled CISO Role
Scott Hays
Scott Hays
Sr. Portfolio Marketing Director
Rimini Street
3 min read

The role of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has evolved into a strategically critical—and stress-inducing—role. As the old saying goes, security chiefs must be right 100% of the time, while cyber-attackers seeking to create operational or financial chaos only need to be right, or lucky, once. Digital transformation and the rapid increase in remote […]

Love It or Leave It: Should You Replace or Modernize Your ERP System?
4 min read
Love It or Leave It: Should You Replace or Modernize Your ERP System?
Scott Hays
Scott Hays
Sr. Portfolio Marketing Director
Rimini Street
4 min read

As IT leaders look toward the future of their ERP system, they must decide whether to innovate at the edges of the current system or replace it completely.  We’ve all seen those reality home renovation shows where a couple must decide whether to renovate their current home or buy a new one. If the place […]