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Your SAP Support Clock May Be Ticking Faster Than You Think
2 min read
Your SAP Support Clock May Be Ticking Faster Than You Think
Scott Hays
Scott Hays
Sr. Portfolio Marketing Director
Rimini Street
2 min read

If you’re running SAP ECC 6, your support clock is ticking—perhaps faster than you realize. Not to worry, you’ve got options and we can help. By now, just about every SAP customer knows that 2027 is the end date for ECC 6 mainstream maintenance support. But that’s only half the story. That’s because for half […]

Five Strategies for Navigating IT Black Swan Events
3 min read
Five Strategies for Navigating IT Black Swan Events
Bruno Faustino
Bruno Faustino
VP, Head of Product – Unified Software Services
3 min read

How can IT leaders better manage unpredictable, consequential events? Start with these five strategies drawn from Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s The Black Swan. In his influential book, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, author Nassim Nicholas Taleb introduces the concept of Black Swan events—highly improbable occurrences with massive impacts. These events, by their […]

Three Ways CIOs Must Rethink Cloud ROI
4 min read
Three Ways CIOs Must Rethink Cloud ROI
David Rowe
David Rowe
Chief Product Officer & EVP, Global Transformation
4 min read

While cloud workloads will continue to grow, savvy tech leaders must take a step back and evaluate the true ROI of moving to the cloud. Here’s three ways to get started. If there’s one habit CIOs should consider adopting, it’s a commitment to take a critical look at their cloud Return On Investment (ROI). Over […]

Delivering More Value by Supporting More Software
2 min read
Delivering More Value by Supporting More Software
David Rowe
David Rowe
Chief Product Officer & EVP, Global Transformation
2 min read

Need to focus your limited IT resources on innovation while ensuring your complex software portfolio continues to support mission-critical operations? A new service offering called Rimini Custom™ can help. Here’s how. As an IT leader, your purview is growing more—not less—complex every day. In fact, an eye-opening report from Salesforce indicated that, on average, organizations […]

Four Best Practices to Reduce Oracle Audit Risk
5 min read
Four Best Practices to Reduce Oracle Audit Risk
Ryan Bendana
Ryan Bendana
Senior Director of Global License and Advisory Services
5 min read

Introduction If you’re an Oracle licensee, I’m almost certain the word “audit” will give you a brief pause followed by a momentary and overwhelming feeling of dread. Oracle licensing is complex . Under the best-case scenario, an Oracle license audit may simply consume valuable time and effort from an organizations’ already limited resources . Under […]

Take Control of Your Oracle Unlimited Licensing Agreement (ULA)
2 min read
Take Control of Your Oracle Unlimited Licensing Agreement (ULA)
Ryan Bendana
Ryan Bendana
Senior Director of Global License and Advisory Services
2 min read

Considering an exit plan from your Oracle Unlimited Licensing Agreement (ULA)? Discover how Rimini Street License Services can help you proactively manage compliance risk. With tight IT budgets getting tighter, many Oracle licensees with Unlimited Licensing Agreements (ULAs) may be tempted to consider an exit plan to avoid the pinch of rising support costs. But, […]

How to Maximize the ROI of Your Oracle Database License
2 min read
How to Maximize the ROI of Your Oracle Database License
Robert Freeman
Robert Freeman
Senior Product Management Director
2 min read

Discover how to extend the life of your databases, improve ROI, and fund innovation with support savings with Rimini Street services and support for Oracle Database. Have you ever met an Oracle customer who happily pays the company’s fees for software support? Neither have we. But too few really understand how beneficial—and painless—breaking up with […]

Timing, Technology and Teamwork: CFO Takeaways for Success
4 min read
Timing, Technology and Teamwork: CFO Takeaways for Success
Michael Perica
Michael Perica
EVP & Chief Financial Officer
4 min read

What’s the secret to success for CFOs? Seasoned expert Michael Perica, EVP & CFO of Rimini Street, sums it up with three takeaways—timing, technology and teamwork. I was fortunate to speak with Jack Sweeney recently on his CFO Thought Leader podcast about some lucky breaks I got early in my career, my move from Wall […]

10 Data Privacy Best Practices in the Era of Remote Work
3 min read
10 Data Privacy Best Practices in the Era of Remote Work
May Yang
May Yang
Data Protection Specialist, Rimini Street
3 min read

The pandemic-driven surge in remote work means even greater cybersecurity risk. Your mission? Deploy these 10 data privacy best practices to successfully navigate the realities of this new realm. With a significant portion of organizations navigating the largely uncharted landscape of remote work in recent years, prioritizing the protection of sensitive data has risen to […]