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Answer 10 Tough Questions to Justify IT Modernization
3 min read
Answer 10 Tough Questions to Justify IT Modernization
Pat Phelan
Pat Phelan
VP, Market Research
3 min read

IT system modernization can be achieved in different ways.  Operational excellence in core and operational IT systems is a key part of most system modernization efforts.  It contributes to profitability and makes the systems better able to accommodate change.  Many currently deployed enterprise-level IT systems provide a strong foundation for change. For these systems, modernization […]

AI Risks & Rewards: 2023 Global Privacy Summit Key Takeaways
5 min read
AI Risks & Rewards: 2023 Global Privacy Summit Key Takeaways
Peter LaPierre
5 min read

Earlier this year while attending the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) Global Privacy Summit I had a strange feeling of being suspended at an inflection point in history. Perhaps it’s because I’m a new father and my daughter is almost exactly as old as ChatGPT’s open beta, but I really think we have entered […]

Are You Digitally Ready for AI-Enhanced ERP?
3 min read
Are You Digitally Ready for AI-Enhanced ERP?
Pat Phelan
Pat Phelan
VP, Market Research
3 min read

Many businesses are eyeing the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to transform ERP. Your ability to reap the rewards of that potential may depend on how far along you are with digital transformation. A recent IDC report sponsored by Rimini Street, AI and ERP:  Intelligently Automating the Enterprise and Creating Differentiating […]

How to Evolve IT Systems into Innovation Engines
3 min read
How to Evolve IT Systems into Innovation Engines
Eric Helmer
Eric Helmer
SVP & Chief Technology Officer
3 min read

When vendor-driven and customer-driven technology roadmaps are in close alignment, the results can be almost magical. Unfortunately, for most organizations that’s rarely the reality as they’re often left struggling to achieve innovation that their vendors are supposed to enable. IT leaders are all too familiar with this cycle: Up-and-coming vendors mature or get acquired and […]

New Survey: Why CIOs and CTOs Want a New Model for IT Support and Services
2 min read
New Survey: Why CIOs and CTOs Want a New Model for IT Support and Services
Pat Phelan
Pat Phelan
VP, Market Research
2 min read

In April of 2023, Censuswide conducted a survey of 608 US respondents from companies with $250m+ revenue. That study focused on CIO and CTO satisfaction with their existing IT support and services models for enterprise software. The results spoke for themselves. Respondents voiced broad dissatisfaction with their support services and models, including issues with support […]

How IT Can Sustain Business Growth and Profitability Amid Economic Uncertainty
2 min read
How IT Can Sustain Business Growth and Profitability Amid Economic Uncertainty
Pat Phelan
Pat Phelan
VP, Market Research
2 min read

During most of 2023, business outlook has seemingly ping-ponged between fears of an economic recession and hopes that an almost mythical soft landing—a term some economists use to describe a mild recession with a slight increase in the unemployment rate—will tame inflation without causing negative growth that generally results in high rates of layoffs and […]

IT Hero: Cloud Migration Expert Mark Smith
4 min read
IT Hero: Cloud Migration Expert Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Regional Manager, Oracle Support
4 min read

When it comes to cloud migrations, failing to plan is planning to fail. That’s where Rimini Street expert engineers play a pivotal role, enabling and empowering hundreds of clients to build successful ERP cloud strategies. In this IT Hero profile, we showcase one such expert—Mark Smith, regional manager, Oracle support at Rimini Street—and discover how […]

What to do About SAP’s “My Way or the Highway” Cloud Push
3 min read
What to do About SAP’s “My Way or the Highway” Cloud Push
Luiz Mariotto
Luiz Mariotto
GVP, SAP Product Management
3 min read

The more SAP clarifies its cloud strategy, the murkier lies the future for those loyal customers on whose shoulders it built a leading ERP market share with on-premises solutions. The headline at IT Jungle succinctly summed up the one-two punch of recent SAP pronouncements: SAP Raises Costs, Slashes Innovation for On-Prem Software. The first blow […]

Dear SAP Support — I’ve Met Someone Else
4 min read
Dear SAP Support — I’ve Met Someone Else
Scott Hays
Scott Hays
Sr. Portfolio Marketing Director
Rimini Street
4 min read

I don’t think we should see each other anymore. It’s not you; it’s me. Actually, on second thought, it’s mostly you. Our relationship started as expected, but we’ve grown apart. We now want different things. Let me explain. You’ve changed It used to be that my annual maintenance fee got me support, maintenance, and new […]