Not wanting to upgrade to Oracle EBS R12 due to the associated costs yet still needing stability in their ERP systems to be able to stay compliant with the new accounting guidelines in Taiwan, Supreme Electronics turned to Rimini Street for its its support and maintenance requirements.
Additional resources
Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) licensees in Europe want to optimize the value of and lifespan for their current releases. However, Oracle seemingly has another strategy – that might include forced upgrades and self-serving roadmaps. To find out how European licensees are handling their Oracle strategy, planning for the future, and implementing alternate strategies, Rimini Street partnered with IDG to survey hundreds of EBS customers across the globe in diverse industries. Download the survey report for data and insights on managing Oracle EBS to guide your strategy-building activities. The report includes: Five key takeaways from the survey results Strategies used by licensees to maximize ROI for EBS The role of cloud migration, AMS, and third-party support in alleviating EBS burdens Recommendations for your Oracle EBS roadmap
Infographic: Oracle EBS licensees’ challenges, strategies, and future plans. Cost and support quality are the top concerns, say Rimini Street 2020 survey results.
If you’re running Oracle EBS 12.1 or earlier, you’re paying Oracle 22% of your license fees for old patches and fixes with no new updates or features. Upgrading to 12.2 just to get minimal support means undertaking a time-consuming and costly upgrade. Neither are practical ways to spend your IT dollars with global uncertainty looming and digital transformation initiatives at hand. Combining survey data and a historical look at the history and the future of Oracle EBS innovation, this white paper provides licensees with valuable insights and considerations to make informed decisions around their Oracle roadmap. The white paper covers: Insights from a recent Oracle EBS licensee survey around perceptions and plans for EBS At-a-glance view of Oracle EBS releases and end-of-support dates by version An overview of Oracle’s strategy for innovation and upgrades for its E-Business Suite software Ways that independent, third-party support for EBS from Rimini Street helps licensees extend the life of their EBS systems and avoid or delay upgrades that deliver little value
Extend the useful life of your ERP by shifting to AMS and IaaS cloud. Learn more. Read the Rimini Street 2020 Oracle EBS survey research findings now.
We don't make ERP or database software like Oracle and SAP. We support and manage that software. Over the past 15 years, we have helped over 3,000 clients save billions of dollars. It's because we are built for support. Built to help clients avoid costly fees and ERP upgrades, so they can innovate and fuel growth. Other companies do software. We do support.
What if you could: save 50%-90% on total software maintenance for Oracle EBS get improved support quality and responsiveness free up your IT team for strategic initiatives self-fund innovation with your current IT budget You can. Rimini Street support for Oracle EBS can save you a great deal on software support, liberating funds from your existing IT budget that you can redirect right to innovation. And with Rimini Street support, you can follow an IT roadmap that’s specifically aligned with the needs of your business rather than being aligned with Oracle’s revenue goals. Download this eBook to meet 8 Oracle EBS customers from manufacturing, retail, media, and packaged goods industries that switched to Rimini Street support and self-funded significant technology enhancements.