Award-winning support services delivering needed solutions with exceptional speed

Rimini Support services are a one-two punch of exemplary support and significant cost savings. As the leading third-party, enterprise software and database support solutions partner, Rimini Street is Engineered for Support® - providing clients with hyper-responsive support from extremely experienced engineers, through a model that focuses on true global support with an SLA of 10 minutes guaranteed response for critical Priority 1 issues. Independent, experienced, ultra-quick, proactive, tackling root causes as well as break-fix: Rimini Street expertly supports every aspect enterprises seek in software services: with 50% off annual support fees and up to 90% savings on total support costs.

A comprehensive support program that's different from software vendor services

Maximizing their profits, software vendors are incented to minimize labor, expertise, and other resources for delivering vendor support services while keeping their fees high. That can put uptime of business-critical enterprise systems at risk. Rimini Street has a singular focus: Deliver exceptional service. The Rimini Street ultra-responsive support program includes valuable services not typically included with standard software vendor support programs, including support for customizations, interoperability, and performance tuning.

Award-Winning Software Support Services from Rimini Street

Reduce cost and risk with expert, award-winning support

Fast response time means being back in business sooner. Instead of other support programs that pass tickets around, receive assistance from experts right when it’s needed. The Rimini Street global product support services team is ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Critical Priority 1 issues are guaranteed a response in 10 minutes or less from the time the case is logged. Actual response time to critical inquiries is less than five minutes on average. It can be difficult to find that level of responsiveness and customer service with software vendor support services.

Ultra-Responsive, Comprehensive Third-Party Software Support

Free internal teams from self-service

Even paying significant annual fees — up to 22% of total software costs using software vendor support services1 — still finds many enterprises practicing self-service. Third-party support from Rimini Street emphasizes full service over self-service: each client is assigned a Primary Support Engineer (PSE) with 15 years of experience on average, backed by a team of functional and technical experts. Over time, clients develop personal relationships with their PSEs, who in turn develop a detailed understanding of their client’s overall IT environment and operational needs. This direct access to expert-level engineering support on the front lines — usually unavailable through software vendor support — helps ensure prompt resolution of all issues, including issues in customized code, rather than internal teams hunting for fixes online and regression-testing large batches of fixes — receive support that serves.

Rimini Street Comprehensive Support Services for ERP Software

Why Rimini Street?

Rimini Support services replace software vendor support and deliver an exceptional service experience, leveraging a scalable, global support model to drive business results. IT leaders can reduce IT support costs and optimize IT support services to invest in competitive advantage and growth. Innovative, award-winning support services centered on client needs.

Better model

Rimini Street global teams “follow the sun" — wherever and whenever a client is working and in need of support, a Rimini Street expert is ready and available. And they also follow issues all the way through, for faster resolution — with a guaranteed 10-minute response time on critical P1 issues, plus communication SLAs. Actual response time to critical client inquiries is less than five minutes on average. Compare these response times with those of software vendor support services.

Better people

Rimini Street places expert engineers on the front line, every time. Assigned PSEs with an average of 15 years of experience have expertise and access to global resources to resolve the most complex software issues. Rimini Street clients benefit from a personalized, tailored, “human” service experience, compared to that typically offered by software vendor support.

Better outcomes

The Rimini Street model scales worldwide to support dynamic, global IT environments. The single partner, comprehensive service model with an AI-powered platform delivers faster routing and human response, enabling seamless scalability for growing client needs. Rapid response time means being back in business sooner, helping reduce the cost and pain of system outages and support inefficiencies.

Reduce Costs and Risk with Award-Winning Software Support Services from Rimini Street

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Rimini Street helps reduce wasted effort. By minimising friction and focusing on outcomes, I can channel my resources where they matter most.”

– Imre Szabo Group ICT Manager
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Featured clients

The savings are phenomenal, and I give high marks to their proactive support model that addresses needs that we haven’t even explicitly mentioned. We give them a 5 out of 5 for client satisfaction.”

– Jaewoong Jeong Executive Director, IT Business Division
Featured clients
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With Rimini Street fully supporting our SAP systems, my team can focus 100% on realizing our Industry 4.0 vision.”

– Ivan Widjaksono Head of Digital Transformation

Experience third-party, comprehensive support.

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