Unlock resources to drive IT innovation

IT departments face increasing demands from business leaders to focus on strategic priorities such as digital transformation, adoption of emerging technologies and operational efficiency. However, IT budgets are often squeezed, leaving little room for funding innovation.

That’s where Rimini Street comes in, helping organizations like yours free up personnel, time and money to self-fund initiatives without going back to the board.

Join thousands of organizations that have saved more than $9B on total support costs to date, helping IT evolve from a cost center to a profit center.

Rebalance spending priorities

Rebalance spending priorities

Save up to 90% on total ERP software maintenance costs with Rimini Street and apply more of your IT budget savings toward fueling technology innovation rather than simply “keeping the lights on.”
Reduce support costs
Reassign IT talent

Reassign IT talent

Count on a global team of seasoned engineers to handle support of your enterprise systems, expanding your team and freeing up internal IT talent to focus on more impactful, strategic initiatives.
Gain competitive advantage

Gain competitive advantage

Utilize Rimini Street’s end-to-end IT solutions to address your toughest IT challenges so that you can work on strengthening your differentiators and serving your customers better.
Unify support and services

Evolve IT systems for innovation

Discover how adopting a needs-based roadmap versus a vendor-driven one can foster innovation and help you achieve results faster. 

“Instead of doing difficult support and maintenance on Oracle, we can reallocate resources to take on more advantaged technologies that give us competitive advantage.”

Daniel Lui, CIO, Pacific Healthcare Group

Eager to unlock new funds for IT innovation?

Contact sales today to learn how you can allocate more resources to strategic initiatives with help from Rimini Street.

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